Peter Jackson’s early aughts film adaptations have only compounded the series’ enduring popularity, inviting new fans into Tolkien’s fantastical world by way of Academy Awards, timeless memes, and astounding filmmaking. Tolkien’s sprawling magnum opus popularized the fantasy genre, galvanized a counterculture movement, and snowballed into a global pop culture phenomenon. Oh well, reading this book is like coming home, in the best of ways.It’s difficult to imagine a world without The Lord of the Rings. I definitely relate to all his love of plants, and I think he got the best gift from Galadriel tbh, even better than both Frodo's and Gimli's. Suddenly I find myself really enjoying his dorkiness, almost relating to it. Now, of course, I love Sam as much as anyone (and EVERYONE loves Sam), but I've always thought he was a bit of a dork too. A couple of years back I started to really love Pippin (mostly because of the line "thinking? At breakfast? Good heavens!"), but this time it's all Sam. I used to think that every time I reread them I got a new fave character, and while that isn't really true, I tend to appreciate different characters every time. You know, it's really great that the LotR movies exist, not because I would not be as big a fan of the books without them or because they're particularly good, but because whenever I'm wondering what I'm gonna listen to while reading the book. Wow, five stars to this? Betcha didn't see that one coming. Even though the movies deviated from the books in a handful of ways, they really did remain true to the spirit. It's been amusing to me to see how many lines of dialogue from the movies were lifted straight from the books. And in this version, I have determined that Tom is a wonderful character, and though I understand why he was left out of the movies I greatly miss seeing him portrayed. However, hearing the songs actually SUNG helped me appreciate them, and the characters, a lot more. I think it's partly because Tolkien's songs have always annoyed me in prior readings of the books. Tom Bombadil was never a character I appreciated much before. Honestly, I think Sean Bean does a better job of portraying Boromir than Tolkien himself did. Also, I had forgotten that book-Boromir is really not a sympathetic character.

for one, even though I love all the hobbits in the movies, I had forgotten that Pippin is the best book hobbit. There are things I had forgotten about the books that were surprises. This is the first time I'm revisiting the trilogy since the movies came out, I think.

For one thing, this was a great way to experience the songs that Tolkien wrote Serkis sings them (and sings well) and given that I had a habit of skipping them in the past, this was a refreshing experience. I'm really glad that I finally decided to re-read this series, and equally glad that I decided to listen to Serkis' audiobook version.