
Lost Boy by Christina Henry
Lost Boy by Christina Henry

Lost Boy by Christina Henry Lost Boy by Christina Henry Lost Boy by Christina Henry

The Native Americans are absent in this narrative, the main threat (apart from pirates) comes from the many-eyed, giant spider-like monsters that lurk in the plains that surround their tree home. Henry makes a few changes from the source material. The story follows his journey from devoted follower to Peter’s mortal enemy. The story is narrated by Jamie, Peter’s second-in-command and the boy who’s been with him for the longest a ruthless fighter whose trademark is cutting off the hands of his victims-it’s pretty obvious right from the start that Jamie is Captain Hook, before he became a pirate. It’s not really a spoiler to say that Lost Boy also works as an origin story for Captain Hook. It’s the story of Peter and his Lost Boys, what really happened in Never Never Land before the Darlings arrived.

Lost Boy by Christina Henry