Our intuition is to confront our colleagues with the facts and arguments, but research – and common sense, if the colleague is your supervisor – suggests that's usually exactly the wrong thing to do. One of the strategies described there can be summarized under the acronym EGRIP (Emotions, Goals, Rapport, Information, Positive Reinforcement), which provides clear guidelines on how to deal with colleagues who deny the facts. It's also the topic of my recently-published Amazon bestseller, The Truth-Seeker's Handbook: A Science-Based Guide. Gleb Tsipursky.Dealing with truth denialism – in business, politics, and other life areas – is one of my areas of research, consulting, and speaking.

Visit his website, subscribe to his monthly Disaster Avoidance Tips, email him at glebdisasteravoidanceexpertscom, follow him on Twitter on Instagram on Facebook DrGlebTsipursky, and on LinkedIn Dr. A highly in-demand international speaker, Tsipursky has over two decades of professional speaking experience across North America, Europe, and Australia, gets top marks from audiences, and has many speaking videos.

Tsipursky also has a strong research and teaching background in behavioral economics and neuroscience with over 15 years in academia, including 7 years as a professor at the Ohio State University, with dozens of peer-reviewed academic publications. He has over 20 years of experience dramatically empowering leaders to avoid business disasters as the CEO of the boutique consulting and training firm Disaster Avoidance Experts. Tsipursky’s cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 400 articles he published and over 350 interviews he gave to popular venues that include Fast Company, CBS News, Time, Scientific American, Psychology Today, The Conversation, Business Insider, Government Executive, Inc.

Gleb Tsipursky authored the national bestseller on avoiding professional and personal disasters, The Truth Seeker’s Handbook: A Science-Based Guide, and you can pre-order his new book, Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters. Bio: Known as the Disaster Avoidance Expert, Dr.